It's always good to see our loyals, and If it's your first time we're here to help so you don't get left in the dark. Quickly checkout the sections below and lets get you locked in!
You do not need a membership to order products from us.
For those of you that desire membership, our FIT MOB membership only opens 3 times a year and only for up to 50 new slots, and they sell out pretty fast (3-5 minutes).
Members get early access on releases that are stocked and ready to ship, marked down pricing, and unreleased colorways. For more information click here.
We have new releases every Thursday or Friday. Every product is limited by quantity, time, or both. Once we release an item, we do not restock it. Be sure to jump on our guest lists above via Text, Email or both to be sure you're sent the ordering link each week.
*Please note if you're visiting the shop during a new release drop you won't have access and will be asked for a password. The new release will end within 24 hours for access again. Email